Besides Merino wool, that is!
This beauty is one of the earliest crops in our garden. And this ONE was enough for 3 dinners! (No, not a dog nose. That was just the inspection.)
Comment below with your answer and we’ll pick a winner at random from the correct answers. What’s in it for you? A $35 gift certificate to!
Looks like chard to me.
Strange looking yarn! Maybe it’s Swiss chard?
Definitely Cabbage
Well, it’s not a sheep, I’ll go with romaine lettuce.
A large but tight head of bok choy…?
I agree it looks like chard
Rhubarb leaves
I’d say chard too! If only it was rainbow it would be easy to ID!
Becky Leak A large head of cabbage?
Pok Choi
It looks like some type of bok choy.
I think it is Kale.
Collard green I think
Looks like kale.
Looks like cauliflower leaves or broccoli leaves. ??
A sharp cabbage?
I’m going with Bok choy!
The nose knows. Yum!
Looks like collard greens.
Cabbage or cauliflower, but 2 answers don’t count!
Looks like cabbage
collard greens
collard green
“Find the rabbit.”
“Find the rabbit.”
Bok choy
Skunk cabbage?
Swiss chard, 1 can go a long way, especially in a family of 1. Sooo good!
Sure looks like Rubarb, with a very inquisitive lab nose checking things out.
I have to say swiss chard.
Is it tronchuda or Portuguese kale? Yummy, and slightly milder than most.
Collards perhaps
I was going to guess chard but somebody already beat me to it.
The beginnings of a beautiful fresh salad!
Swiss Chard
Scratch that…. Collard Greens
It was a cabbage,
That’s a tough one. I’m going with bok choy. But it looks like it could be chard too.
Swiss chard
It is so beautiful and healthy looking. I think it is Chard
Looks like chard to me.
A lab nose checking out the cabbage?
is it rubicon chinese cabbage?
Swiss chard!
Looks like Bock choy to me, too. An impressive healthy head of it, too!
It looks like cabbage to me
Is it cabbage?
Looks like collard greens to me….
Bok choy!
I think it cabbage
How about green leafy vegetable.
Collard Greens decorated by black dog nose.
I had a typo on my email address. It should be ******@***.com.
Collard leaves decorated with black dog nose!
Maybe chard
My guess is collard greens – love the nosy fur nose !!!!!
Is it too late to respond? I say chard.
Looks like collards to me
Collard greens, I believe.
Looks like rhubarb to me.
Napa/Chinese cabbage
I think it’s bok choy
Looks like YUMMY collard greens to me!
Looks like a German shepherd!
I dunno but it’s a nice shade of green!
Swiss Chard
I could be brussels sprouts before the stalks grow up.
Well it’s not a sheep so I’ll go with Romaine lettuce.
My guess would be a chard. Looks yummy!
My guess is cabbage.